How much is Art Therapy and how long does a session last?
Each therapy session
Initial Face to Face Consultation
Session Duration
60 minutes
There is no minimum age for anyone seeking this kind of therapy.
Being able to meet regularly is important for the therapeutic process to develop and become meaningful. The recommended frequency for this kind of therapy is weekly sessions and usually on the same day and time wherever possible.
Explorative therapy is a gradual and unfolding process in which we work together to begin to identify and work through those aspects of your life with which you are seeking help. The complexity and history of these difficulties varies from one person to the next so it is not straightforward to say how long the therapy will need to be for.
An initial appointment will help to get a sense of the nature of your problems and how long therapy might be required before an ending to the therapy. However, a person is free to end therapy at any time but it is recommended that a number of sessions are given over to working through to an ending.
Some people seeking therapy may also be prescribed medication. Sometimes a combination of medication and therapy is useful particularly where medication is prescribed to help manage difficulties with mood associated with depression and anxiety. Therapy aims to begin to address and work through the origins of these symptoms and to help you get to a position whereby you feel less overwhelmed by and able to manage them.
It can be the case that medication is also useful in contributing to emotional stability in a person’s life. This is particularly important to note as therapy can be a difficult and challenging process that stirs up painful feelings and memories.
It is important that anyone thinking of this kind of explorative therapy feels they can potentially manage being in therapy. People who find themselves frequently using alcohol or other more illicit substances to excess will struggle to manage this kind of therapy unless you can identify other more useful sources of support.
Undertaking a therapy relationship recognises that developing a safe, consistent and private space is important for developing a trusting relationship in which you can feel free to discuss personal aspects of your life. I consider the maintaining of confidentiality of high importance and generally I will not disclose anything about what is discussed in your therapy with others.
The only exception to maintaining the boundaries of confidentiality is if I consider anyone in therapy to be at severe risk, either to themselves or others. If this were the case I would intend to discuss this with the person in the first instance wherever possible. If it were necessary to take further steps to manage the risk I would seek to limit what is disclosed about the therapy beyond what is required for the safety of that person.
I am a registered art psychotherapist with the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) and registered to practice with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).
To Jung, the purpose of life was to realise one’s own potential, to follow one’s own perception of the truth, and to become a whole person in one’s own right. This was the goal of individuation, as he later called it.
Anthony Stevens
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.
Carl Jung
Creativity is discontent translated into arts.
Eric Hoffer